Fortnite is better than minecraft here’s why


Did you know that Fortnite has 224 million more players than minecraft?


Fortnite is better than minecraft because Fortnite has better games,graphics,and builds.Many people think minecraft is better than Fortnite they are wrong and i’ve come to think that Fortnite is better than minecraft. Try it out for yourself.

The first reason  (Graphic) is Fortnite has better than minecraft.

Fortnite has better Graphics than minecraft caz better weapon graphics.And has better land graphics the mountains and water.Also character graphics are life like and round head.Finally Fortnite has better building graphics.

The second reason  (Games)  is Minecraft don’t have game in it. Fortnite has more games in side it like solos and duo and trio and squad.Also in creative you can play even more games like Box PvP. Also you can create your own games and build your dream fortnite you can build whatever you want.Finally there’s a game where you have a prop gun and you can turn into whatever you shoot at. 

The third reason  (Builds) Fortnite has Cooler builds than minecraft. Fortnite has better builds than minecraft.  In creative you can build whatever you want and that’s also in minecraft but minecraft is blooks fortnite is whenever you want like circles triangles. Kevin the cube is a cube that bounces you higher than slime in minecraft. Also if your lazy and you don’t want to build a house, there a house already made you just place it down.Finally if your wanting to make a base put a portafortruse or a portafort.  

Fortnite is more superior than minecraft, fortnite is a addicting game, if didn’t have a addicting game you would get bored. Fortnite is better than minecraft because it has better matches,better animations,and better structure.This is important because fortnite is an addicting game and you could play it for hour. If you were bored you would just sit on the couch and that’s not fun at all.

The astonishing bellyflop…

Did you know that you can save the day by belly flopping? In the animated short belly flop, the character Penny is astonished.

Early in the animated movie, the character Penny was astonished. When the older girl jumped off the diving board she was astonished.


In the beginning of the short Penny likes to swim.She saw the older girl jump off the diving board and she went on all the diving boards. The older girl went on the tallest one.

And that made penny want to go on them too.


In the middle of the animated movie, the character Penny was astonished.

She wasr astonished when she was at the tallest diving board.The diving board was really really high and she wanted peoples attention.


In the end of the  animated movie, the character Penny was astonished.

She was astonished when she made the biggest splash that anyone has ever seen.

And then everybody clap and Penny realized she saved the day.


                            Have you seen a belly flop this big?

Draft:Penny was wowed at every little thing.That makes her a good person.This makes me think that being wowed leads to kindness.kindness is good. If the world didn’t have kindness it would be a bad place.



What does termination mean? Termination means to be kicked out. Another example for termination is taking away their culture. Only some Countries were affected by termination.The government terminated 109 tribes. The government terminated the tribe so they could save money because they paid for the reservation but not all the tribes were terminated. Indians refused to leave their reservation and they got arrested. Here are the states that got affected by termination Alaska California Wisconsin Minnesota Nebraska and Oregon. In 1956 a hundred thousand Indians got relocated to other cities or states.

 What does sovereignty mean? Sovereignty means ultimate power over the United Nation so the United Nation means the whole state of America so they have power over America. sovereignty can also help the Indians talk about the issues about the United Nation.

 What does relocation mean? relocation  means separation. All the families in the tribes got separated from each other and moved to different cities or even States like I said not all the tribes were relocated.Only one out of three tribes made it back to the reservation.       

Stuff related to Indian No More The real question is what does the Grand Ronde look like today. today the Grand Ronde is more civilized more structured not as old as before it’s a bunch of cultures can come together and dance and stuff to whatever they do and yeah that’s what Grand Run is today.The book Indian no more is a really good book if reading this you should try Indian no more it’s a book about termination basically what I’m talking about right now.My class is reading it for a book club with a whole bunch of different states so you can join us.Some tribes have roll numbers like in our book The dad’s roll number is 8,58. 

what do you think about termination?








When we entered Silverwood we wanted to ride Tremors but we couldn’t find it so we went on Timber Terror. This roller coaster is way scarier than tremors. When we got in line I said, “I got this.” The sun was fring me now. When we were halfway there I said again “I got this.” Then when we got to the front of the line, 

I said, “I got this.” I smiled and when we were on the ride I noticed there was a big drop I gulped. When we got on I was sitting next Liam. Then we started going all I could hear was clank clank clank clank. When we got all the way up the ramp I could see our car. Then a couple feet later all we could see was sky. I said for the third time, “I got this.” About 15 seconds later we were at a part of the track where it whipped around a circle, I felt like I was on a raging bull. Then we came up and it went down and down and up  and down and then we were done and then later that day I realized I learned how to be brave. Have you gone on a scary roller coaster?                           





People are good at fortnite without aimbot my question is why is aimbot in fortnite aimbot is basically for people who aren’t that good at aiming and they aren’t good aim. Next If you complete a challenge on fortnite you get XP which will level you up on the battle pass. When you tir up on the battle pass you get new skins.  and there’s the item shop you can buy skins dances gun skins music and gliders and pickaxes and back blings. If you’re a beginner start by playing  Team Rumble because you respond and it helps you get better. When you’re a pro start playing some Arena or Solo or Duo squads. In my opinion I would say the best gun in the game would be Skies assault rifle because it shoots way faster and the best item in the game would probably be  grapple Because you can get places really fast.


On our farm we have ducks to eat all the slugs. When they got older they could fly and then after they could fly they kept going in our pool and we had to use a blow horn to get them out but it didn’t work. Then someone clipped the ducks wings so they can’t fly out of the fenced area to get into the pool. The ducks had to stay in the fenced area because they kept pooping in the pool. My dad was so mad we almost had ducks for dinner.



 We have a dog that came with our house. Her name is Addy she is a black lab. Every time she stands up she pees a little so we have to give her medicine when she eats her food. She likes to go in our pool. One time  someone threw her bone into the shallow end and it sunk to the bottom and Addy jumped in and dove underwater for the bone. She likes us to throw the ball for her but it’s hard to get it out of her mouth to throw again. Pets are cool.


By Jonah Crain

Letter To Future Self

May 15, 2020

Dear me,


We moved into our new house a year ago and I like how our new house is big but it has really bad Wi-Fi. That’s the part I don’t like about it, our old house had really good Wi-Fi. Also our new house has a big front yard, play-set, a garden that our church helps with and we can ride quads. We are thinking of taking down the play-set and putting in a pickle ball and basketball courts. I hope I can invite Preston over sometime to play.  He was our old neighbor from our old house.

The coronavirus is happening so we can’t go anywhere and my dad has vertigo and he had to stay in his room for six days. I’m into Fortnite right now and I really want my own YouTube channel so I can get a support-a-character code. Is Fortnite still out and I wonder what season it is, if it is? One thing I’m concerned about is that I can’t play with my friend Chiso and he is going to move in like a year or two, so I want to play with him before he goes to Hawaii.

Did the zombie apocalypse happen? JK.  Is highschool cool? I wonder if I go to highschool with Korbin, Reagan and Elle? Do we still have our pool? Do I have my own car? How much money do I have? Do I have a job?

I hope I have a Lamborghini and have a job as a video game tester. I also hope that I’m still playing golf and I bet my handicap is a 5.

Grandma and Grandpa T are planning to build a house near the mud pit on our pasture. We’ll be able to sleep over at their place more often and it won’t take a long time to drive there. Is Oreo, the goat still alive? How old is Chuck, the goat?

It’s been fun talking to myself.  Don’t forget our FamilyID “Love no matter what.” Don’t forget to go to class a little bit early so you’re not late. I hope that you like highschool. Talk to you later.


Jonah Crain

Fortnite Emoji Guessing Game


I have created a guessing game about Fortnite and I hope you like it. I’m not going to use just regular emojis, I might use some icons too. They made a movie about emojis and I watched it, they’re pretty popular. To play the game you have to put it in presentation mode and the first one you’ll be introduced to the game. Then you click to the next slide and then it’ll give you an icon or an emojis and you guess at loud and then the next slide will have the answer on it.

How Kids Get To School.

I found out that 26 million kids go to school on the bus in the United States.

Source: The American School Bus Council

Schoolbus,school,education,vehicle,transportation - free image ...

I asked people from school and from my family to fill out a survey. I asked them “how did you get to school?” I got 28 answers back. The most common answer I got was “walked.” I got one “bike” and one “public bus” answer each. I think in the future kids will take hover cars to school. 

I wonder what it would be like to ride a bike to school. I wonder where you would put the bike. I wonder if it would be cool to ride on the sidewalk with the bike and what you would see. 

I can’t ride my bike to school because there is a big hill that goes down the road and then at the roundabout I would have about a mile and a half to go.

 I also can’t ride the bus because there’s no bus stops near me. I think it would be crazy on the bus, like really loud.

Here are the answers to my survey. 

Walk 9
Bus 7
car 5
Drive Self  5
bike 1
public bus 1
total  28


Greenhouse Gases – Good vs Evil

I chose climate change. I thought that climate change is cool because we would learn about tornadoes. But it’s actually about temperature changing all over the world. 

Do you think temperatures are going up or down? If you guessed up, you are correct. This is happening because of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases let in sunlight but they keep the heat in like a real greenhouse. Some greenhouse gases are really good because if we didn’t have any greenhouse gases it would be really cold. Too much greenhouse gases can be bad. One of the worst greenhouse gases is chlorofluorocarbons. Chlorofluorocarbon is bad because it can hurt the ozone. Chlorofluorocarbon is not natural but humans made it. 

Here are some other greenhouse gases, water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide. Carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas that we make. The second most common greenhouse gas that we make is methane.

 I hope you learned something earth-tacular. 

Go to to learn more about greenhouse gases.                                                                                                                

These pictures mean greenhouse gases.